The novel Friendswood by Rene Steinke brings to light many conflicts which place the reader in a position to judge and take sides. One of the issues that Steinke puts in the reader's face is the issue of rape and blame. Within the novel the character Willa is raped and her home, along with the town, reacts by blaming and shaming her actions the fateful day of the rape.
Rape is a horrific event that no person should ever be forced to endure. However, when it happens to people their community around them have a negative culture surrounding the victim. The community around them are more concerned about what she was wearing, why she was there, what was she drinking then why would the boys think it is acceptable to rape, or what punishment did the boys receive. Within the novel this atmosphere of negative rape culture is prevalent and the character is left alone. She is ostracized by her parents because they believe that she failed in the eyes of god and she is removed from school because they believe that she was the cause of her own destruction. By having these of major aspects of her life looking at her badly she has no place to turn and therefore her path to recovery over this traumatic event will be harder and longer.
The people who should have stayed by Willa during this tough time should have been her parents and the school. Willa’s parents are her rock and should endlessly be supportive. I understand that they are upset and scared because they could not protect her from the danger of the boys. Furthermore, as a religious family they now feel that she has lost her way on the righteous path. However, with all this in mind they are still her parents and now after the pain of being raped she needs them more than ever. They need to remind her that it is not her fault and that they don't love her any differently. This is the support Willa needs at home to help her through this difficult time in her life. Willa’s school should be have stuck by her as well. They should have done a tough investigation so that the boys would be punished for what they had done and so that she could have a piece of mind knowing she got justice.